Albinism Umbrella

Examining possibilities, necessity and value of education to persons with albinism. A call to all.

As the world enjoys globalization which often means interaction and integration among societies and organizations, there are individuals who are left behind. There are many international instruments that call upon state parties to protect the rights of the marginalized or vulnerable communities.

There are human rights which seem to be more critical than others, yet not to underscore the others; Education seems to be so pivotal to the enjoyment of other rights. Without this fundamental right, one may not be able to attain the right to health, right to justice or other rights as for persons with albinism who are denied such services. About 16% of Ugandan children have a disability; this includes children with albinism whose major need is to be accepted for who they are. [Unable to see far and should be protected from the sun].

It is a known fact that people with disabilities have lower education level than those without, which more often than not leads to further exclusion from social life. Albinism is only a genetic condition that manifests with lack of color in the eyes, skin and hair. Albinism is associated with visual challenges and sun burns which lead to skin cancer.

Albinism Umbrella calls upon the teachers, school community to accommodate us, protect us from bullying and we will learn. Be the change we desire.

Last modified: January 8, 2024