This is a 3-year project funded by Christian Blind Mission. The primary objective of the project is to improve the quality of life of Persons with Disabilities and community members through economic livelihood initiatives, eye care and advocacy in the districts of Kyegegwa and Kamwenge by 2025.
In respect to health, this project targets to have 938 persons with disabilities get access to inclusive eye health services through eye outreach clinics. Services provided include; awareness raising and sensitization about eye health, eye screening, consultations, provision of assistive devices, medicine dispensing and referrals. The project has so far reached out to 108 (53F,55M) people in the district of Kamwenge. The camps are conducted in collaboration with Ruharo Mission Hospital- OURS department.

Mr. Joseph Magyezi from Ruharo Mission Hospital sensitizing participants about Eye care and health at Kamwenge Health Centre III

Participants making consultations (picture 1) and Mr.Emmanuel Katahwa (picture 2) administering a visual acuity tests during the camp

Participants lining up for consultations and medication (picture 1) and the ophthalmic clinical officer dispensing medication to patients in (picture 2)

Albinism Umbrella and Ruharo Mission team posing for a group photo after a successful eye camp
Other project interventions include;
- Feasibility study on local sunscreen production
- Identifying and making referrals for 100 children that are vulnerable and need therapeutic and rehabilitation care to respective service providers. So far, 37 (18F,20M) children have been identified.
- Provision of assistive devices for example, magnifiers, special reading glasses, hats, sun glasses, wheel chairs, hearing aids, clutches, etc to 253 project beneficiaries.
- Engagement of 30 health centres that provide inclusive services to break the barriers faced by persons with disabilities while acquiring health services.
Last modified: January 8, 2024